Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dirt Devil Spot Scrubber Review

Dirt Devil Spot Scrubber
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Oh, how I wish I had checked reviews before I bought this product! Whoever designed this product was apparently a hateful, vengeful person who secretly wants to ruin the day of housewives everywhere. Some of my favorite features of this product are:
When you are cleaning up a disgusting spot of something, this device will randomly spew the dirty water out of the side vents, usually all over your legs as you are crouched over the spot trying to remove it. This happens when the product has a bare tablespoon of dirty water. Would it have been so hard to, I don't know, make the holding tank big enough to hold the dirty water? Or maybe make it where, when slightly full, the dirty water goes ANYWHERE other than on you and your house? Have you ever smelled hot dog urine water that has been steamed out of a vent? That smell will stay in your house for MONTHS, and no amount of spot scrubbing will help.
The scrub brush is pretty much useless, it kind of scrubs the spot, but you have to put so much pressure on the scrubber to make it reach the carpet you end up with a cramp in your wrist. You also can't really get the brush clean, it's in an awkward spot on the device.
You need the strength of a gorilla to pry the plug that keeps the dirty water in the holding tank. (Haha KEEPS it in the tank? What a laugh!) You will have to grab an awkward green tab and yank and pull and curse and...BOOM it pops open and spews that dirty water (what is left of it after the vents steamed it all over you) all over your face.
The price is good, but do you really want to pay money to curse and hate and loath every time your dog makes a piddle on the carpet? This product is poorly designed, I've been using it for 6 months now, and I'm about to throw it in the garbage and buy something else. I won't even give this thing away to someone, there isn't anyone in the world I hate that much.

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